running shoes

Brooks Beast Running Shoes for Men

by Robert Cole -Retired Government Employee
(Maryland, USA)

Brooks Beast Running Shoes for Men

Brooks Beast Running Shoes for Men

At the age of 62 years old, I found the right shoes in Brooks Beast running shoes for men. Probably running shoes did not hold much attraction for me before. I was more of the loafer type or the sneakers but not the heavy looking running shoes. At my age and weighing 165 lbs. my doctor is telling me to do more exercises instead of the occasional golf I engage in. I love golf and I always thought the walking I do was enough, but it has gotten to be too expensive for a retired man like me.

I bought myself a famous brand of running shoes; I will not mention the name because I think that would be unethical. Let us just say it did not work out well for me because my ankles and the back of my legs seemed to feel strained every time I did some running or jogging when in fact I only went around the oval park for just one lap.

I looked for a specialty shoe store for runners and I told them my problem. They had this shoe expert who asked about my age, what kind of exercise activity I do and my weight and he looked at my foot. He said I was a bit concerned about stability in my running that was why my stride was probably not normal. I was surprised at his diagnosis because it was true. He recommended the Brooks Beast running shoes and the moment I tried it on, I immediately felt there was a difference.

The shoe store expert said Brooks Beast had more focus on support for overpronators like me. It was something about my big toe and second toe trying to grip and doing the work of pushing off the ground. My legs and ankles were strained because I was exerting efforts to stabilize. On top of that, I hardly get enough shock absorption.

Now I was told that Brooks Beast running shoes had this Hydroflow that will provide cushioning and shock absorption for the heel and forefoot. Then there was the Progressive Rollbar technology that will allow my stride a normal transition, instead of my heel initiating the propulsion. I was truly amazed at the store expert because he was really good at his job.

Actually, Derek, the store expert said if I find Brooks Beast as the exact answer to my problem, he joked about me giving Brooks Beast a review. That was not a bad idea at all because there might be somebody out there who has the same problem. I called Derek the other day and asked about the technology part that made all the support and shock absorption possible. He was laughing and never thought that I was serious. I said I will even mention the part he played.

So seriously, if you ever have the overpronation problem like me, you should buy these Brooks Beast mens running shoes. Everything it says it can do, it does quite effectively.

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